This table captures common units used within water datasets. A brief description of the columns is provided below:
Category: Describes the general type of data being discussed. The entries coincide with those used for organizing Standards Development content.
Measurement Type: Describes the general phenomenon being measured.
Units: Captures the common units used for the measurements
Data Types: Contains a list of water data entries that are usually measured for a given measurement type and unit
Notes: Additional nuances worth being mindful of for a given measurement or data type
Category | Measurement Type | Units | Data Types | Notes |
Quantity | Depth | Feet | Lake/Reservoir levels GW levels | GW levels are usually below measuring point accompanied by elevation of measuring point and elevation above ground of measuring point-could look at the parameters in USGS NWIS to spell out every last detail |
Quantity | Depth | Inches Millimeters | Precipitation Evapotranspiration | |
Quantity | Area | Acres | Lake/Reservoirs | Consistent with court adjudication documents as well |
Quantity | Volume | Acre-Feet | Reservoir volume | accompanied by area-capacity table |
Quantity | Volume | volumetric moisture content | Soil moisture | |
Quantity | Rate | CFS | streamflow (instantaneous) | |
Quantity | Rate | mm/day Feet/year | Evapotranspiration | |
Quantity | Rate | Watts per square meter | Potential Evapotranspiration | |
Quantity | Rate | Ac-Ft/Year | Water use | Rights, diversions, withdrawals, consumptive use, return flows, discharges, point of diversions, transfers, … |
Quality | pH | Standard Units (S.U.) | ||
Quality | Temperature | deg C | ||
Quality | Dissolved Oxygen | mg/L Percentage (%) | ||
Quality | Conductance | uS/ cm (microSiemens/centimeter) at degrees 25 C for Specific Conductance | Conductance Specific Conductance | can be converted to specific conductance if you have temperature info |
Quality | Turbidity | nTU Percentage (%) | DWStds will capture percentage of time turbidity is below the thresholds | |
Quality | Concentration | ppb (ug/l) ppm (mg/l) | Trace metals Major Ions | |
Quality | Concentration | binary (presence/absence) | Biological parameters | |
Quality | Concentration | Percentage (%) | ||
Quality | Concentration | picocuries per Liter (pCi/L) | Radionuclides: Radium, Gross Alpha, and Gross Beta Particle Activity | |
Quality | Concentration | million fibers per Liter (MFL) | Asbestos | |
Metadata | Biological/Habitat Parameters | Slope | Kris will send us a list of these biological parameters | |
Metadata | Biological/Habitat Parameters | Shade | ||
Metadata | Age - Dating | Carbon-14 | ||
Metadata | Location | UTM easting and Northing (UTM Zone 13, NAD83) | Latitude Longitude | |
Metadata | Well Status | Categorical Information | Permitted, active, capped, plugged, etc. | |