The purpose of this document is to provide descriptions of the current cyber-infrastructure plan for the New Mexico Water Data Initiative (NMWDI). This document is intended for IT staff of the Water Data Act directing agencies, or others who wish to participate in sharing data through the NMWDI. This is a Draft Plan which continues to evolve as the NMWDI team learns how agencies will incorporate this work. Please provide any feedback to
Table 2. Data integration scenarios. Many of the steps of this federated process provide full ownership and responsibility with the data provider. Steps in green bold text are handled fully by NMWDI or by the data provider in close collaboration with NMWDI.
Scenario | Solution A | Solution B |
Data provider has raster data or non-time series data that cannot easily be mapped to SensorThings, that will not be updated |
| |
Data provider has a time-series or discrete sample dataset in csv, txt or Excel format. The dataset is historical, static, and will not be updated |
| |
Data provider has a time-series dataset in csv, txt or Excel format. The data is updated on a semi-regular basis |
Agency has a time-series dataset in a database but currently does not have an API |
Agency has a time-series dataset in a database and has an API but is not compliant with SensorThings specification |
| |
Agency has a time-series dataset stored and shared via an instance of FROST | No additional work required by the data provider! Just tell NMWDI where to find it! |