The web portal is a wordpress site host on GCP. It provides the public landing page for the WDI project. It should include basic information about the project, a link to the CKAN and links to a list of apps. The apps are built on top of the services WDI provides. The two classes of services being consider currently are CKAN and SensorThings
What kind of apps? Example?
See DemoApp. The DemoApp may or may not be used in production. We hope that building apps will be both an internal and external process. By simply exposing the data in a standard schema and service we hope others will being to build new apps or incorporate the data in existing apps.
shows current activity of the services. what is running?
Links to GCP
shows active etl processes
allows management of the etl cluster.
the etl process will potentially to run continuously and automatically
on demand etl of datasets needs to be facilitated
sensorthings management
delete locations/things/datastreams
single/batch edits
API Management
Apigee is being consider to handle API management. The api management layer provides many benefits. in addition to controlling access to the underlying api’s it can be used to marshal the data from the underlying api’s.