Category | Measurement Type | Units | Data Types | Notes |
Quantity | Depth | Feet | Lake/Reservoir levels GW levels | GW levels are usually below measuring point accompanied by elevation of measuring point and elevation above ground of measuring point-could look at the parameters in USGS NWIS to spell out every last detail |
Quantity | Depth | Inches Millimeters | Precipitation Evapotranspiration | |
Quantity | Area | Acres | Lake/Reservoirs | Consistent with court adjudication documents as well |
Quantity | Volume | Acre-Feet | Reservoir volume | accompanied by area-capacity table |
Quantity | Volume | volumetric moisture content | Soil moisture | |
Quantity | Rate | CFS | streamflow (instantaneous) | |
Quantity | Rate | mm/day Feet/year | Evapotranspiration | |
Quantity | Rate | Watts per square meter | Potential Evapotranspiration | |
Quantity | Rate | Ac-Ft/Year | Water use | Rights, diversions, withdrawals, consumptive use, return flows, discharges, point of diversions, transfers, … |
Quality | pH | Standard Units (S.U.) | ||
Quality | Temperature | deg C | ||
Quality | Dissolved Oxygen | mg/L Percentage (%) | ||
Quality | Conductance | uS/ cm (microSiemens/centimeter) at degrees 25 C for Specific Conductance | Conductance Specific Conductance | can be converted to specific conductance if you have temperature info |
Quality | Turbidity | nTU Percentage (%) | DWStds will capture percentage of time turbidity is below the thresholds | |
Quality | Concentration | ppb (ug/l) ppm (mg/l) | Trace metals Major Ions | |
Quality | Concentration | binary (presence/absence) | Biological parameters | |
Quality | Concentration | Percentage (%) | ||
Quality | Concentration | picocuries per Liter (pCi/L) | Radionuclides | |
Quality | Concentration | million fibers per Liter (MFL) | Asbestos | |
Metadata | Biological/Habitat Parameters | Slope | Kris will send us a list of these biological parameters | |
Metadata | Biological/Habitat Parameters | Shade | ||
Metadata | Age - Dating | Carbon-14 | ||
Metadata | Location | UTM easting and Northing (UTM Zone 13, NAD83) | Latitude Longitude | |
Metadata | Well Status | Categorical Information | Permitted, active, capped, plugged, etc. |
For reporting of water data
Water quantity data include measurements of
a. streamflow (CFS) instantaneous
b. lake/reservoir levels (Feet),
c. Reservoir volume (acre-feet) accompanied by area-capacity table
d. groundwater levels (Feet, below ground surface)-usually feet below measuring point accompanied by elevation of measuring point and elevation above ground of measuring point-could look at the parameters in USGS NWIS to spell out every last detail
e. Soil moisture (volumetric water content)
f. Precipitation (inches)
g. evapotranspiration (percent of precipitation)
Water quality data include measurements of the -not sure we should even begin to list these parameters and their units…radionuclides, fecal coliform, you could look at the list of water quality standards for NM or just refer to the standards
a. Trace metals (ppb) * need a separate listing – see USGS – very long list
b. Major ions (ppm) * need a separate listing – see USGS – there are so many
c. Water temperature (C)
d. Dissolved oxygen (mg/L)
e. pH (pH units)
f. nutrients
g. specific conductance (uS/ cm at degrees 25 C)
. |
i. ecosystem health data and biological parameters (presence / absence)
Water use includes measurements of volumes (are they all (ac-ft/year)?
a. Water rights or permits (ac-ft/year) look at WATERS to see all the parameters they include that are associated with a water right-I added a few.
b. Diversions ac-ft?-it varies, depending on the water right
c. Withdrawals-same as diversions
d. Consumptive use ac-ft/yr
e. Discharge (CFS?)
f. return flows
g. transfers (interbasin? )
h. wastewater discharge
i. reused wastewater
j. point of diversion
k. type of diversion (well, spring, surface water)
l. place of use