Water Quantity
Sensor-based: WaterML2
Water Quality
EPA’s WQX (Json format details: https://github.com/gordonfn/wqx#references)
www.nemi.gov (water quality methods and analytes)
Water Use
USGS recommends use of WaDE’s schema
The reality is that there aren’t actually many water data standards that are widely adopted. For example, water rights and use data has a different standard for each state. Perhaps the only exception to that rule is the widespread use of EPA WQX for water quality samples within the United States. Below are some of the standards-related resources we’ve identified and are leveraging in our discussions:
Geospatial metadata: FGDC (Standards Working Group)
CUAHSI’s Data Management Plans
Water Quantity
WaterML2 is a meta-standard/data model great for capturing any kind of time series hydrologic data (incl. stream gages, continuous water quality monitoring sensors, groundwater well profiles, and related environmental features)
USGS recommends use of WaDE’s schema for water use information
Water Quality
NEMI (water quality methods and analytes)
ODM2 is a highly general data model that includes many helpful controlled vocabulariesGeneral (developed by CUAHSI for academic purposes)
QUDT is comprehensive for general observed physical properties and units, QUDT is comprehensive.
FGDC’s Open Water Data Initiative
Spatial Data Standards for Facilities, Infrastructure, and Environment → contains both metadata and facilities information (DoD)