All organizations maintain their own nomenclature. In order to bridge the gap that exists between the source data we have and the information we need, we need to first be able to understand the terminology of the water management domain, including where the same terminology has varying interpretations across organizational boundaries among the stakholders
Other Resources
The Internet of Water has published a collection of searchable glossaries called 'Coming to Terms
The Glossary
New Mexico Environment Department (NMED)
A piezometer is either a device used to measure liquid pressure in a system by measuring the height to which a column of the liquid rises against gravity, or a device which measures the pressure (more precisely, the piezometric head) of groundwater [1] at a specific point
Point Of Diversion (POD)
A specifically named place where water is removed from a body of water. The location of a surface water or groundwater extraction associated with a water right.
WATERS (database)
This is the INFORMIX database used by OSE to track points of diversion for water use, permitting, and water rights.
WATERs (Water Administration Technical Engineering Resource System) provides on-line access to OSE water right files including electronic images of water right documents and downloadable well reports, driller license reports, point of diversion reports and subdivision reports. The system also provides a UTM conversion tool.
Note: INFORMIX database
Permitted Wells
Public Water System Well