The purpose of this page is to define terms used throughout the architecture
API Management Platform
A tool that centralizes the publishing of many APIs, manages authorizations and requests to those APIs to ensure that they are not overwhelmed, and can be used to reformat API requests and responses on the fly.
Web Application Programming Interface (API)
A set of of specifications to define requests that can be made of an application, and a definition of the response to each request. Thus, a programmable way to ask for and retrieve data from an application’s data resources.
Controlled Vocabulary (CV)
In order to facilitate data sharing and unambiguous interpretation of data between different data stewards and users, it is imperative to share a common vocabulary. When implemented in a data system, there are rules dictating what terms are available to be used, and what those terms mean. These rules comprise a controlled vocabulary. CUAHSI has a good exmaple example of a controlled vocabulary system for environmental data.
Data Model
An abstract model that organizes elemtents of data and standardizes how they relate to one another and to the properties of real-world entities.
Extract, Transform, Load.,_transform,_load
A dockerized pyclowder client for processing datasets/files. Extractors are the specialized “workers” for the clowder data submission system. Extractors process uploaded files, extracting metadata, generating new files, setting tags etc.
A Server implementation of the OGC SensorThings API. The FRaunhofer Opensource SensorThings-Server is the first complete, open-source implementation of the OGC SensorThings API Part 1: Sensing. It now also includes preliminary actuation support.
Google App Engine. PaaS used to host WDI’s node.js servers, e.g.,
Google Cloud Platform. Hosts WDIs public services, such as,, etc.
GOST (Go-SensorThings) is an IoT Platform written in Golang (Go). It implements the Sensing profile (part 1) of the OGC SensorThings API standard including the MQTT extension.
SensorThings API (
A a data model plus a REST API standard. Defined by the OGC specification.
SensorThings data model can be found here.
Examples and Tutorials.
Extracts the data from a datasource, transforms into the ST data model and uploads