Relevant metadata that should be captured varies based on site type.
Below is an example list of metadata entries that would be of most interest for groundwater wells and an associated crosswalk that captures how data fields from different agencies would be mapped onto each other. This mapping facilitates linking of common fields through the central platform of the WDI.
Wells Crosswalk:
Recommended Standard (based on National Ground Water Monitoring Network) | USGS | NMBGMR | ABQ | OSE |
Agency Cd | agency_cd | NMBGMR | ABQ | OSE |
Site No | site_no | PointID | sys_loc_code |
| OSEWellID |
| OSE Well # |
Agency Nm | United States Geological Survey | New Mexico Bureau of Geology & Mineral Resources | NEED NAME | Office of State Engineer |
Site Name | station_nm | SiteID | loc_name |
Dec Lat Va | dec_lat_va | Geometry | latitude | Latitude |
Dec Long Va | dec_long_va | Geometry | longitude | Longitude |
Horz Datum | dec_coord_datum_cd | Need |
Alt Va | alt_va | Altitude | exact_elev | Groundwater Elevation |
Alt Datum Cd | alt_datum_cd | Need |
Well Depth | well_depth_va | WellDepth | measured_depth_of_well | Total Depth (feet) |
Site Type | site_tp_cd | Need |
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