A summary of the common entries is captured below:
Column | Description |
Agency Cd | Agency Cd |
Site No | Site No |
Time | 24-hr format (HH:MM:SS); assume measurements made in daytime |
TimeZone | MDT vs. MST (worth capturing for AZ nuances); store internally as UTC |
Date | Date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
Depth to Water Below Land Surface in ft | Depth to Water Below Land Surface in ft (2 decimal places) |
Measuring point height (relative to land surface) | Measuring point height in ft (relative to land surface) |
Accuracy Value | Accuracy Value. Depends on the interpretation made – details need to be captured within metadata. |
Water level in feet relative to NAVD88 | Water level in feet relative to NAVD88 (transformation done at the central platform) |
Observation Method | Observation Method |
Level Status | Was the well Pumping? Was there an obstruction? Was the well recovering? etc. |
A crosswalk of common agency datasets is below:
Recommended Standard (NGWMN) | USGS | NMBGMR | ABQ | OSE |
Agency Cd | agency_cd | Calculate in crosswalk | Calculate in crosswalk | Calculate in crosswalk |
Site No | site_no | PointID, OSEWellID | sys_loc_code, facility_id | OSE Well # |
Time | lev_tm | TimeMeasured |
| Time |
Date | lev_dt | DateMeasured | measurement_date | Date |
Depth to Water Below Land Surface in ft | lev_va | DepthToWaterBGS | water_level | Depth to Water (feet below ground surface) |
Accuracy Value | lev_acy_cd | Need |
Water level in feet relative to NAVD88 | Calculate in crosswalk | Calculate in crosswalk | Calculate in crosswalk | Calculate in crosswalk |
Observation Method | lev_meth_cd | MeasurementMethod | measurement_method |