Datasets in this category include:
groundwater levels (Feet, below ground surface)
produced water generation/injections
streamflow (CFS) instantaneous
lake/reservoir levels (Feet),
Reservoir volume (acre-feet) accompanied by area-capacity table
Soil moisture (volumetric water content)
Precipitation (inches)
evapotranspiration (percent of precipitation)
Table 1: The STA data model definitions and example mappings to NM agency datasets
SensorThings Entity | Description | Example: NMBGMR Groundwater Level Well | NMOSE Water - Points of Diversion | ||
Metadata | Location | A unique coordinate or area on the surface of the earth | Location in latitude and longitude or UTM easting and Northing (UTM Zone 13, NAD83) | Street Address (possibly with associated latitude and longitude). (e.g. 3960 PRINCE ST) - geoCoding required | Location in easting and northing (UTM NAD83 in meters) |
Thing | Some real-world entity with which one or more Sensors are associated | Well Point ID WL-0150 (Thing/Property - Well Use (e.g., pumping well)) (Thing/Property - Well Status (permitted, active, capped, plugged, etc.)) → could see another use case focused on Well Status as the observed property | Sample Pt RT236I | Point of Diversion POD Number A 00008 AS | |
Datastream | A collection of Observations about an ObservedProperty produced by a Sensor associated with a Thing | Time series, Hydrograph | Sample Results | Meter Readings (Quarterly) | |
Datastream/observationType | The type of observation, codified in the Observations and Measurements data standard. Types include Categorical (defined text), Count (integer), Measurement (continuous number), Observation (free text), and TruthObservation (True/False) | Measurement | Categorical or TruthObservation multiDataStream if there are multiple analytes | Measurement | |
Datastream/unitOfMeasurement | A three-item definition of the unit of measurement, including its name, symbol, and link to the definition (preferably to one provided in an established ontology such as or | feet (e.g. | TCR Result (binary indicator: absence/presence) ug/l (micrograms/liter; also = ppb), mg/l (also = ppm), nTu, deg C, %, us/cm (microSiemens/centimeter), “pH” (techically dimless), rads, | Acre-Feet (e.g. | |
Sensor | The procedure used to provide a Datastream. Can be a particular data recording device model, or a defined procedure followed by a human observer. If applicable, a specific instance (e.g. a sensor model and serial number) | Steel-tape measurement; Continuous acoustic sounder; e-probe; pressure transducer; airline | 9223B-PA ( | MCCROMETER Diversion Meter-Meter Number 17147 | |
ObservedProperty | The raw or processed phenomenon (quantitative or qualitative) being measured for the Datastream. Preferably including a link to a definition provided by an established ontology or controlled vocabulary such as the ODM2 Controlled Vocabularies or | Depth to Water Below Ground Surface (BGS) | Analyte (e.g. Coliform (TCR) (3100)) Turbidity | Mtr Amount | |
OPTIONAL: FeatureOfInterest | The real-world feature that the Observations are about. This may or many not be different from the Location where the Thing on which the Sensor is mounted. Can include a JSON-formatted point location or a polygon or collections thereof. | Formation (e.g. | Public Water System (head office location or service area boundary) (e.g. Albuquerque Water System PWSID NM3510701) | Water Right (set of relevant points of diversion) | |
Data | Observation | A single measurement value including the result, time values, and other metadata. Information on the ObservedProperty that was measured by what Sensor is provided by the Datastream these observations are in. Features of Interest are linked for each observation as well. Observations are linked to (collected in) Datastreams | Depth Measurement (observation/Parameter - Missing value code (e.g., if well is dry)) (observation/Parameter - Is well recovering?) | Sample (e.g. 763391) | Meter Reading |
Observation/result | The actual measured value, with valid values defined in observationType and units defined in unitsOfMeasurement, both provided by Datastream | Depth (e.g. 337.08) | Sample Result (P (Positive/ Coliform found) A (Negative/ Coliform not found)) | Mtr Amount (e.g. 107.948) | |
Observation/phenomenonTime | The date+time (or interval) in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDT:HH:MM:SS-Z) when the observation occured | 2019-01-31 00:00:00 | MP (Monitoring Period) (e.g. 01-01-2020 to 01-31-2020) (might need to discuss this further to figure out value for entry; does coincide with entry within Drinking Water Watch) | 1/20/2017-04/05/2017 (Quarterly period for which volume was measured) | |
OPTIONAL: Observation/resultTime | The date+time that the result was generated. May be the same as phenomenonTime | Date (e.g 01-06-2020) (refers to sampling time, not time of lab analysis) | 04/05/2017 (date of meter reading) | ||
OPTIONAL: Observation/validTime | The date+time interval during which the Observation can be used (often used for provisional values that are replaced by QA/QC’d observations) | ||||
OPTIONAL: Observation/resultQuality | A description of the result Quality. Will vary according to agency practice. Can use ODM2 controlled vocabulary for data quality types as a guide. | Precision (e.g. “within two hundredths of a foot”) |