CKAN Dataset:
Notes from meeting with Julie:
Example data table of water data available containing potentially sensitive info is also available (see email)
basin | Basin | Ground Water Basin |
nbr | number | Permit Number |
suffix | suffix |
sub_basin | Sub basin | Further identifies the basin that well is located (Example well located in the Rio Grande Basin located in the Middle Rio Grande area) |
sum_rec_nbr | Sum record number |
pod_basin | pod basin | Basin of POD Diversion |
pod_nbr | pod number | POD is sometimes has a different number. I don't know why. This is a water rights question. |
pod_suffix | pod suffix | If more than on well is assigned to a permit this identifies which well it is |
pod_rec_nbr | pod record number |
own_lname | owner last name |
own_fname | owner first name |
use | Use | Use permit was issued for (example Ag, Commercial, Subdivision, etc) |
tws | township | PLSS location data of well |
rng | range | PLSS location data of well |
sec | section | PLSS location data of well |
qtr_4th | quarter | PLSS location data of well |
qtr_16th | quarter | PLSS location data of well |
qtr_64th | quarter | PLSS location data of well |
utm_zone | UTM Zone | PLSS location data of well |
easting | Easting | X Y coordinates |
northing | Northing | X Y coordinates |
mtr_rec_nbr | Meter Record number | |
acct_year | Accounting year | |
ytd_mtr_amt | Year to date meter amount | |
own_end_date | Owner end date | |
POD=Point of Diversion; well location |
Water use includes measurements of volumes (are they all (ac-ft/year)?
a. Water rights or permits (ac-ft/year) look at WATERS to see all the parameters they include that are associated with a water right-I added a few.
b. Diversions ac-ft?-it varies, depending on the water right
c. Withdrawals-same as diversions
d. Consumptive use ac-ft/yr
e. Discharge (CFS?)
f. return flows
g. transfers (interbasin? )
h. wastewater discharge
i. reused wastewater
j. point of diversion
k. type of diversion (well, spring, surface water)
l. place of use
m. type of use
WaDE work on data standards (notes from presentation by Adel Abdallah and Ryan James) - slides below
Why WaDE?
“state primacy is fundamental to a sustainable water future”
need a strategy for coupling state-level data to answer regional questions about water use/quality
WaDE’s creation was stimulated by Sandia and few other agencies'
WaDE 2.0 includes a central database to query/map data in a centralized system on the cloud. Agreed-upon metadata and vocabularies across the Councils' members and with USGS.
How can WaDE help state agencies?
Controlled vocabulary - harvested terms across the West (e.g., “Beneficial use” is defined differently across terms)
resource to learn from what other states are doing on water data/sharing
potential funding to western states' agencies (currently working with NM on digitizing water rights info)
technical support
have a use case repository → have a template that they can help us populate.
shared some examples from their ongoing work on capturing water rights across states
another example is aggregate water use data
have info from Utah, CA, WY, NM, and TX (by county consumption use or basin-wide consumption use)
states sometime also have custom spatial measurements
looking at different front end visualizations
ideally, estimates would be at the HUC-level but work with whatever the states provides
Next Steps for WaDE
Can track WaDE progress on GitHub → beta release to partners/public in Fall 2020/2021
support WaDE data interoperability with USGS and IOW Geoconnex hydro features
USGS resources