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Water use includes measurements of volumes pertaining to a place/type of use. Some types of details captured within water use datasets include…

  • Withdrawals

  • Diversions

  • Consumptive use

  • Discharge

  • Return flows

  • Transfers (e.g., interbasin, water rights)

  • Wastewater discharge

  • Reused wastewater

  • Point of diversion (incl. details about type of diversion - well, spring, surface water)

Discussions with WaDE

The Water Data Exchange Program (WaDE) is working on data standards related to water use information. Notes from presentation by Adel Abdallah and Ryan James (as well as slides shared) are captured below.

  • Why WaDE?

    • “state primacy is fundamental to a sustainable water future”

    • need a strategy for coupling state-level data to answer regional questions about water use/quality

    • WaDE’s creation was stimulated by Sandia and few other agencies

    • WaDE 2.0 includes a central database to query/map data in a centralized system on the cloud. Agreed-upon metadata and vocabularies across the Councils' members and with USGS.

  • How can WaDE help state agencies?

    • Controlled vocabulary - harvested terms across the West (e.g., “Beneficial use” is defined differently across terms)

    • resource to learn from what other states are doing on water data/sharing

    • potential funding to western states' agencies (currently working with NM on digitizing water rights info)

    • technical support

    • have a use case repository → have a template that they can help us populate.   

      • shared some examples from their ongoing work on capturing water rights across states

      • another example is aggregate water use data

        • have info from Utah, CA, WY, NM, and TX (by county consumption use or basin-wide consumption use)

        • states sometime also have custom spatial measurements

        • looking at different front end visualizations

        • ideally, estimates would be at the HUC-level but work with whatever the states provides

  • Next Steps for WaDE

    • Can track WaDE progress on GitHub → beta release to partners/public in Fall 2020/2021

    • support WaDE data interoperability with USGS and IOW Geoconnex hydro features

Sensor Things Mapping of NM Water Use Data

The table below summarizes mapping of current entries within the NM Water Use dataset onto the SensorThings framework.

Table 2: The STA data model definitions and example mappings to NM water use data

SensorThings Entity


Water Use Data for NM

Example: CKAN Dataset

Note: text in green indicates information collected from the data SME.



A unique coordinate or area on the surface of the earth. Polygon and multipolygon geometries can be Locations if desired

CN=county code;


RVB=river basin; Relevant shapefile here

GWB=ground water basin. Relevant shapefile here

(also have state-level values)


Some real-world entity with which one or more Sensors are associated

CN 25.

Pecos RVB


A collection of Observations about an ObservedProperty produced by a Sensor associated with a Thing

Time series (every 5 years)


The type of observation, codified in the Observations and Measurements data standard. Types include Categorical (defined text), Count (integer), Measurement (continuous number), Observation (free text), and TruthObservation (True/False)



A three-item definition of the unit of measurement, including its name, symbol, and link to the definition (preferably to one provided in an established ontology such as or

ac-ft; gallons; %


The procedure used to provide a Datastream. Can be a particular data recording device model, or a defined procedure followed by a human observer. If applicable, a specific instance (e.g. a sensor model and serial number)

Data Synthesis

Some data collected from WATERS/meters, while others are self-reported. More details are shared within report: WUR final_05142019.pdf


The raw or processed phenomenon (quantitative or qualitative) being measured for the Datastream. Preferably including a link to a definition provided by an established ontology or controlled vocabulary such as the ODM2 Controlled Vocabularies or

Population = number, %

GPCD=gallons per capita per day;

WSW=withdrawal, surface water; (ac-ft)

WGW=withdrawal, ground water; (ac-ft)

TW = withdrawal, total (ac-ft)

MSW= percent of surface water withdrawals measured;

MGW=percent of groundwater withdrawals measured;

MTW=percent of total withdrawals that were measured

TFSW=total farm withdrawal, surface water

CLSW=surface water conveyance losses from stream or reservoir to farm headgate

TPWSW=total project withdrawals, surface water

TPWGW=total project withdrawals, ground water

Acreage (land irrigated)

OPTIONAL: FeatureOfInterest

The real-world feature that the Observations are about. This may or many not be different from the Location where the Thing on which the Sensor is mounted. Can include a JSON-formatted point location or a polygon or collections thereof.

For Livestock: User (e.g., Cattle, Chickens, etc.)

For Reservoir: CAPACITY=total storage capacity (acre-feet); SAS=surface area at spillway elevation; SAA=surface area, average; EGR=gross evaporation rate in feet/year; R=rainfall in feet/year; ENR=net evaporation rate in feet/year

For Power: User (e.g., PNM, Xcel, …), Power Generated (MWH)

For Domestic: WEC = water exchange code

For Tables: Category (PWS, Domestic, …)

For Table 7: WWC = water withdrawal code; WEC = water exchange code

For Table 8: T=type of irrigation system, i.e., drip (D), flood (F), or sprinkler (S); ASWO=acreage irrigated with surface water only; AGWO=acreage irrigated with ground water only; ASWC=surface water component of acreage irrigated with combined water, i.e., both surface and ground water; AGWC=ground water component of acreage irrigated with combined water; TAI=total acreage irrigated;

For Table 12: T=type of irrigation system, i.e., drip (D), flood (F), or sprinkler (S); CIRSW=consumptive irrigation requirement for acreage irrigated with surface water (FT); CIRGW=consumptive irrigation requirement for acreage irrigated with ground water (FT); ASWO=acreage irrigated with surface water only; AGWO=acreage irrigated with ground water only; ASWC=surface water component of acreage irrigated with combined water, i.e., both surface and ground water; AGWC=ground water component of acreage irrigated with combined water; TAI=total acreage irrigated; EF=on-farm irrigation efficiency (%); EC=off-farm conveyance efficiency (%); Ep=project efficiency (%);



A single measurement value including the result, time values, and other metadata. Information on the ObservedProperty that was measured by what Sensor is provided by the Datastream these observations are in. Features of Interest are linked for each observation as well. Observations are linked to (collected in) Datastreams

Volume or Rate

Population (Table 1)

Acreage (Tables 9-11)


The actual measured value, with valid values defined in observationType and units defined in unitsOfMeasurement, both provided by Datastream

GPCD (10)

Pop (1,916)

WSW (4.29)

WGW (17.17)

TW (284,157)

MSW (93.24%)

MGW (82.97%)

MTW (85.38%)

TFSW (9395)

CLSW (5632)

TPWSW (15027)

TPWGW (67684)


The date+time (or interval) in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDT:HH:MM:SS-Z) when the observation occured


OPTIONAL: Observation/resultTime

The date+time that the result was generated. May be the same as phenomenonTime

May 2019

OPTIONAL: Observation/validTime

The date+time interval during which the Observation can be used (often used for provisional values that are replaced by QA/QC’d observations)

calendar year 2015

OPTIONAL: Observation/resultQuality

A description of the result Quality. Will vary according to agency practice. Can use ODM2 controlled vocabulary for data quality types as a guide.

Data quality checks were conducted to remove duplicates and irrelevant entries prior to generating water use totals

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