Table of Contents
The purpose of this document is to describe the data integration architecture for the New Mexico Water Data Initiative (NNWDI). It describes in a “bottom-up” approach the NMWDI. It proceeds as follows
Outline of the overall multi-agency architecture
Description the data model and API standard through which all agency data will ideally be integrated and served to users
Provision of template procedures for how agencies can provide their data in the standard data model and API standard.
Elaboration of the overall multi-agency architecture in detail
Key terms are linked directly to their entries in the project Glossary of Terms .
The New Mexico Water Data Initiative Architecture
The goal of the New Mexico Water Data Initiative is to make available to the public data collected by multiple agencies about water resources in New Mexico in a common format. The aspirational user story is as follows:
“As a nonexpert community member interested in New Mexico’s water resources, I want to discover and access water information relevant to the location or geographical area I care about from all of the organizations that hold data about it, so that I don’t have to have special knowledge to access some information and so I don’t miss some potentially relevant information. I want the data I discover to be delivered to me in a common format regardless of organization, so that I can visualize and analyze data from all of the organizations without substantial preprocessing on my part.”
An aspirational demonstration application can be found here, where monitoring wells can be visualized from multiple agencies, with parameters and measurements searched for in a common interface and returned in a csv file with common column names. This application is based on a workflow where multiple agencies' data have been transformed and provided with independent instances of a standard API. The single application can then allow users to interact seamlessly with data from multiple agencies being provided by multiple APIs. This NMWDI architecture is being developed to enable this use case.
Currently, many (but not all) agency data are already published online through services such as ESRI web maps, excel files, or in some cases public APIs. However, important aspects for a given data type (such as water table level measurements from wells) such as data/time formats, geospatial projections, column names, and units vary from agency to agency and even from dataset to dataset within agencies. In order to allow users to access data from multiuple agencies in one format, the NMWDI architecture will route all agency data through one Web API standard with one corresponding underlying data model that references one common statewide water data controlled vocabulary. As long as each agency somehow serves their data through the common Web API, data storage can be federated (i.e. not centralized), although some degree of centralization can be accomodated if that is most convenient for a given dataset. Each agency’s standardized API will be published through a central portal with an NMWDI administered API Management Platform. Users can send API requests to the management platform, which will route these requests to the agency APIs and in turn forward the responses to users. However, whether data storage is federated across agencies or centralized, all contributing agency data will be required to be mapped to the common data model and transformed into the common format before being delivered to users. This basic data flow is illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Basic data flow.
The Data Model & API Standard: OGC SensorThings API (STA)
The above basic data flow requires a state-wide data model and API standard. The NMWDI has chosen the OGC SensorThings API as the model and standard. The OGC is the Open Geospatial Consortium, an international standards organization that creates and publishes open standards for geospatial data management, processing, and sharing.
The STA data model
The STA data model is based on the Observations and Measurements data model of the OGC, which itself underlies many environmental science data systems that integrate data from many independent organizations. Examples include the CUAHSI HydroClient that provides centralized access to global streamgage, monitoring well, and meteorological networks; and the National Groundwater Monitoring Network that provides centralized access to standardized high-frequency groundwater level and quality data from federal, state, and local agencies. The STA data model provides a unifying metadata standard and data structure standard that can model any data generated about point or polygonal locations on earth. It is important to be able to map agency data to this data model in order to structure each agency’s data in a compatible format and to provide a seamless data request experience to users. The STA data model shown in Figure 2 below, and full specified in this OGC Specification.
Figure 2: The STA data model entity-relationship diagram
Table 2 below provides definitions for the entities and key properties, as well as example mappings to some agency data. The headers for the three examples link to actual data that can be used as a reference for the diversity of data being represented and how it can be modeled in the STA data model. The exercise of mapping agency data to this data model is very important to further more functional data integrations steps.
Table 2: The STA data model definitions and example mappings to NM agency datasets
SensorThings Entity | Description | Example: NMBGMR Aquifer Monitoring Well | |||
Metadata | Location | A unique coordinate or area on the surface of the earth | Location in latitude and longitude or UTM easting and Northing (UTM Zone 13, NAD83) | Street Address (possibly with associated latitude and longitude). (e.g. 3960 PRINCE ST) | Location in easting and northing (UTM NAD83 in meters) |
Thing | Some real-world thing with which one or more Sensors are associated | Well Point ID WL-0150 | Sample Pt RT236I | Point of Diversion POD Number A 00008 AS | |
Datastream | A collection of Observations about an ObservedProperty produced by a Sensor associated with a Thing | Time series, Hydrograph | Sample Results | Meter Readings (Quarterly) | |
Datastream/observationType | The type of observation, codified in the Observations and Measurements data standard. Types include Categorical (defined text), Count (integer), Measurement (continuous number), Observation (free text), and TruthObservation (True/False) | Measurement | Categorical or TruthObservation | Measurement | |
Datastream/unitOfMeasurement | A three-item definition of the unit of measurement, including its name, symbol, and link to the definition (preferably to one provided in an established ontology such as or | feet (e.g. | TCR Result | Acre-Feet (e.g. | |
Sensor | The procedure used to provide a Datastream. Can be a particular data recording device model, or a defined procedure followed by a human observer. If applicable, a specific instance (e.g. a sensor model and serial number) | Steel-tape measurement; Continuous acoustic sounder | 9223B-PA ( | MCCROMETER Diversion Meter-Meter Number 17147 | |
ObservedProperty | The raw or processed phenomenon (quantitative or qualitative) being measured for the Datastream. Preferably including a link to a definition provided by an established ontology or controlled vocabulary such as the ODM2 Controlled Vocabularies or | Depth to Water Below Ground Surface (BGS) | Analyte (e.g. Coliform (TCR) (3100)) | Mtr Amount | |
OPTIONAL: FeatureOfInterest | The real-world feature that the Observations are about. This may be different from the Thing on which the Sensor is mounted. Can include a JSON-formatted point location or a polygon or collections thereof. | Formation (e.g. | Public Water System (head office location or service area boundary) (e.g. Albuquerque Water System PWSID NM3510701) | Water Right (set of relevant points of diversion) | |
Data | Observation | A single measurement value including the result, time values, and other metadata. Information on the ObservedProperty that was measured by what Sensor is provided by the Datastream these observations are in. Features of Interest are linked for each observation as well. Observations are linked to (collected in) Datastreams | Depth Measurement | Sample (e.g. 763391) | Meter Reading |
Observation/result | The actual measured value, with valid values defined in observationType and units defined in unitsOfMeasurement, both provided by Datastream | Depth (e.g. 337.08) | Sample Result (P (Positive/ Coliform found) A (Negative/ Coliform not found)) | Mtr Amount (e.g. 107.948) | |
Observation/phenomenonTime | The date+time (or interval) in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDT:HH:MM:SS-Z) when the observation occured | 2019-01-31 00:00:00 | MP (Monitoring Period) (e.g. 01-01-2020 to 01-31-2020) | 1/20/2017-04/05/2017 (Quarterly period for which volume was measured) | |
OPTIONAL: Observation/resultTime | The date+time that the result was generated. May be the same as phenomenonTime | Date (e.g 01-06-2020) | 04/05/2017 (date of meter reading) | ||
OPTIONAL: Observation/validTime | The date+time interval during which the Observation can be used (often used for provisional values that are replaced by QA/QC’d observations) | ||||
OPTIONAL: Observation/resultQuality | A description of the result Quality. Will vary according to agency practice. Can use ODM2 controlled vocabulary for data quality types as a guide. | Precision (e.g. “within two hundredths of a foot”) |
The STA API Standard
The API standard is the part of OGC SensorThings API that allows any dataset that is formatted into the SensorThings data model detailed above in a database with an instance of the API connected to it to be added to or queried by humans or, more importantly, computers (typically web applications or automated regulatory and scientific data processing workflows) in a fast, replicable, and automated way. The API standard is essentially a set of rules that says “if you send me a request that looks like this, I will give you a response that looks like that”. In the case of the SensorThings API, requests and responses are sent and delivered via HTTP requests.
For example, The NMWDI is currently operating an instance of STA at . The HTTP GET request (which can be copy+pasted into a web browser) returns a JSON-formatted list of all Locations for which there is information.
{ "@iot.nextLink": "$skip=100", "value": [ { "name": "NMWDI-0000001", "description": "WELL", "encodingType": "application/vnd.geo+json", "location": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -108.068892, 36.796529 ] }, "HistoricalLocations@iot.navigationLink": "", "Things@iot.navigationLink": "", "": 1, "@iot.selfLink": "" }, { "name": "NMWDI-0000031", "description": "WELL", "encodingType": "application/vnd.geo+json", "location": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -105.11427778, 32.02255556 ] }, "HistoricalLocations@iot.navigationLink": "", "Things@iot.navigationLink": "", "": 31, "@iot.selfLink": " },
Adding the paramaeter ?$resultFormat=CSV returns the same information as tabular data, and adding ?$resultFormat=GeoJSON returns the same information as a GeoJSON file that can be used in GIS applications such as ESRI ArcGIS or QGIS or to create custom web maps. STA is a very full-featured API that enables complex, multi-parameter queries. Full detail can be found at the OGC API specification document or the interactive documentation.
For example, this query requests all Observations about Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) about a particular Feature of Interest (Well) between August 14 and August 16 2014,$filter=FeatureOfInterest/id eq '32' and Datastream/ObservedProperty/name eq 'TDS' and phenomenonTime gt 2014-08-14T00:00:00.000Z and phenomenonTime lt 2014-08-16T00:00:00.000Z&$expand=Datastream
The response shows there is one such observation, that it occured on August 15, 2014 with a result of 274, and that the unit of measurement is parts per million, that the result type is a measurement (continuous number) and that the Feature of Interest’s location is longitude -105.59 and latitude 36.73:
{ "value" : [ { "phenomenonTime" : "2014-08-15T00:00:00.000Z", "resultTime" : "2014-08-15T00:00:00.000Z", "result" : 274.0, "Datastream@iot.navigationLink" : "", "Datastream" : { "name" : "TDS Water Quality Datastream", "description" : "No Description Available", "observationType" : "", "observedArea" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -105.587183, 36.727965 ] }, "phenomenonTime" : "2014-08-15T00:00:00.000Z/2014-08-15T00:00:00.000Z", "resultTime" : "2014-08-15T00:00:00.000Z/2014-08-15T00:00:00.000Z", "unitOfMeasurement" : { "name" : "Parts Per Million", "symbol" : "PPM", "definition" : "" }, "" : 5007, "@iot.selfLink" : "" }, "FeatureOfInterest@iot.navigationLink" : "", "" : 1148627, "@iot.selfLink" : "" } ] }
This JSON can be easily parsed by a web application for visualization, as it is in the demonstration application, or be returned as a CSV to a user.
While the API is useful for creating web applications for any given agency’s data, it is most integral to the NMWDI purpose of data integration. If multiple agencies' data is available via the same API standard, then this reduces the burden on data users to access data from each agency. Consider the complex query above. We can modify it slightly by changing the first part of the URL from to The latter URL points to an entirely different API written in a different programming language on a separate database stewarded by a different organization. In this case the data is a copy of the New Mexico part of the National Groundwater Monitoring Network being served by the Internet of Water at Duke University. By changing this first part, as well as changing ‘TDS’ to ‘Water Level Below Ground Surface’, and expanding the date range to include everything between 2019 and 2020, we contruct this query:$filter=FeatureOfInterest/id eq '32' and Datastream/ObservedProperty/name eq 'Water Level Below Ground Surface' and phenomenonTime gt 2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z and phenomenonTime lt 2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z&$expand=Datastream
and receive a similarly formatted result including a time series of water level measurements (in feet below ground surface) conducted by the USGS in calendar year 2019.
{ "value" : [ { "phenomenonTime" : "2019-08-21T14:26:00.000Z", "resultTime" : "2019-08-21T14:26:00.000Z", "result" : 4722, "Datastream@iot.navigationLink" : "", "Datastream" : { "name" : "Depth Below Surface", "description" : "Estimated depth to water table below ground surface", "observationType" : "", "observedArea" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -106.885, 34.352 ] }, "phenomenonTime" : "1975-07-08T12:00:00.000Z/2020-02-27T16:40:00.000Z", "resultTime" : "1975-07-08T12:00:00.000Z/2020-02-27T16:40:00.000Z", "unitOfMeasurement" : { "name" : "feet", "symbol" : "ft", "definition" : "" }, "" : 63, "@iot.selfLink" : "" }, "FeatureOfInterest@iot.navigationLink" : "", "" : 95866, "@iot.selfLink" : "" }, { "phenomenonTime" : "2019-03-04T16:05:00.000Z", "resultTime" : "2019-03-04T16:05:00.000Z", "result" : 4722, "Datastream@iot.navigationLink" : "", "Datastream" : { "name" : "Depth Below Surface", "description" : "Estimated depth to water table below ground surface", "observationType" : "", "observedArea" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -106.885, 34.352 ] }, "phenomenonTime" : "1975-07-08T12:00:00.000Z/2020-02-27T16:40:00.000Z", "resultTime" : "1975-07-08T12:00:00.000Z/2020-02-27T16:40:00.000Z", "unitOfMeasurement" : { "name" : "feet", "symbol" : "ft", "definition" : "" }, "" : 63, "@iot.selfLink" : "" },
Since these entirely different data sources provide their data using the same API standard, they can be integrated seamlessly into one data discovery, visualization and delivery system, as in the demonstration application.
Options for Providing Agency Data via SensorThings API
The most difficult part of providing every agency’s data via SensorThings API is mapping the agency datasets to the SensorThings data model. Assuming this is done, there are three main options to provide SensorThings API data.
Stand up agency-hosted SensorThings API database and server
Export data to a templated tabular format and send this tabular data to an NMWDI-administered intermediate data store, from which it will be copied into a centralized NMWDI SensorThings API database and server
Collaborate closely with NMWDI to all the NMWDI API management platform to proxy an existing agency API and republish it as a SensorThings API
Option 1: Agency-hosted SensorThings
In this option,
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