\uD83D\uDDD3 Date
\uD83D\uDC65 Participants
David McSherry, Public Works Director City of Deming
Windia, Public Works Executive Assistant, City of Deming
\uD83E\uDD45 Goals
To understand the water data that Deming is generating and understand the type of direction they need to participate in the water data initiative
\uD83D\uDDE3 Discussion topics
Deming has some AWWSA funding that requires supporting water data initiative
They want to know what we need for our studies
Water data act covers all water data
We (NMBGMR) are working on groundwater level measurements
Deming is 100% using groundwater- no surface water
Deming has a SCADA system, just in the final stages of converting it to the new system Not all the data points are tied in.
Monitoring wells- are required to report to NMED twice a year. Have quite a few monitoring wells across the city's infrastructure. Collecting data, but just send it in an email to NMED.
Farm wells that have leased out to people- irrigation/pumping wells.
No wells have pressure transducers. Were planning to do it but, its a lot of work for his staff.
David is curious about potential possibilities for telemetered monitoring.
Want to start with water level data. What is the best way to share data
To upload to data catalog- then we can pull into Weaver.
Water level monitoring
Production data
Drinking water data through NMED
No reservoir stages
Jim Massengill was previous to David McSherry- Stacy had met him.
Is there specific work for AWWA grant? and specific time period?
✅ Action items
- Rachel to send water level best practices document
- Rachel to set up time with David and Windia to do onboarding for Data Catalog
- Rachel to make David and Windia user accounts with Data Catalog
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