Technical Working Group Home


This website captures the entries, terms, and units identified by the Technical Working Group (TWG) to support standards development as part of the NM Water Data Initiative. Findings on this webpage inform the information technology (IT)'s cyber infrastructure that integrates, transforms, and shares data so that is publicly-accessible. More information about how the TWG coordinates with other working groups is captured in our annual reports.

An overview of the content in the associated pages is below:

These pages can be accessed using links on the left (under “Pages”).


Overview of the Technical Working Group

Who are we?

Technical staff or researchers that collect, publish, and maintain data. Our role range from research, database, information technology (IT), to geographic information systems (GIS).

Current (2022) TWG members span multiple state agencies as well as local and federal entities:

  • City of Albuquerque: Ken Ziegler

  • Datacequia: Andrew Padilla

  • NM Department of IT: Gar Clarke

  • NM Department of Game and Fish: Matt Zeigler

  • NM Environment Department: Kris Barrios, Nancy McDuffie, Jeff Pompeo, Zack Stauber, Peter Street, Tanya Trujillo

  • NM ISC

  • NM Tech - NM Bureau of Geology: Jake Ross, Stacy Timmons

  • Office of State Engineer: David Anderson, Daniel Estrada, Michael Mackenzie

  • Univ. of NM - Earth Data Analysis Center: Brian Keller

  • Sandia National Labs: Thushara Gunda

  • NM State University - Water Resources Research Institute: Robert Sabie

We also acknowledge contributions from former colleagues John Mumm (NM ISC).


What do we do?

As one of several working groups supporting the NM Water Data Act, the TWG guides development of data standards, helps to evaluate technical needs/software, and assists with completion and maintenance of New Mexico’s water data inventory. The data standards activities are specifically focused on consistent capture of parameters, terminology, and units. These activities are influenced by the needs of the software developers working group and the data users working group.

How do we do it?

We discuss needs with the user groups and data owners to capture details relevant for NM water data, and document our findings so that they can serve as a reference for data integration activities as well as serve as an educational resource for local entities. See this chart for how we integrate with the larger IT infrastructure.

Our intent is not to create new standards but rather develop common understanding of minimum data fields required to facilitate the findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability of NM water data. Where possible, we leverage existing resources about standards to support our activities. We also conduct annual reviews of the data catalog to ensure content is up to date.